AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu appointed Honorary Member of Federation International Cinema Television Sportifs (FICTS)

International Boxing Association (AIBA) President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu became the Honorary Member of the Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs (FICTS) at a special Awards Ceremony organized during 33rd Milano International FICTS Fest, the worldwide event of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture attended by sports champions and institutional authorities.

As an Honorary Member Dr Wu received a “FICTS Golden Card”, which was delivered by Professor Franco Ascani, FICTS President, at the Auditorium Testori of Palazzo Lombardia in Milan.
As an Honorary Member Dr Wu received a “FICTS Golden Card”, which was delivered by Professor Franco Ascani, FICTS President, at the Auditorium Testori of Palazzo Lombardia in Milan.

“I am humbled and grateful to become the Honorary Member of the Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs and I truly believe that by promoting sport through cinema and television we enhance the key Olympic values of Excellency, Respect and Friendship which are indeed consubstantial with the values of boxing. As an Honorary Member I am committed to support the mission of FICTS and all of its future projects”. Dr Wu said

FICTS – Federation Internationale Cinema Television Sportifs, is an organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which promotes the values of sport through images in its 113 member countries. The organization is led by Professor Franco Ascani, a member of the IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage.

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