Jordan’s Prince Ali bin al-Hussein Officially Enters FIFA Presidential Race

Jordan’s Prince Ali bin al-Hussein as officially entered the FIFA Presidential Race once again after a previous failed bid which saw him go head to head with embattled FIFA President Sepp Blatter who has been suspended alongside UEFA President Michele Platini and Jerome Valcke by the FIFA Ethics Committee.

Prince al-Hussein is the currently the FA President of the Jordan Football Association and he as entered his bid for FIFA’s top seat well ahead of the October 26 deadline and at a time when the image of football’s governing body has been dragged through the Mud, with countless revelations of fraudulent transactions involving members of FIFA’s executive committee.

The Jordanian Prince highlighted this in a statement he released a few hours ago:

“I am one of you, an FA President, and I know how hard you strive to define football. I am sure that FIFA can and will again become an organisation that earns the respect it deserves.

For all of us these are dark times. Restoring FIFA’s credibility will not be an easy task, but together it can be done. For the good of the game and all who love it, I humbly ask for the honour of your support”

Prince Ali bin al-Hussein to run for FIFA President photo credit JFA
Prince Ali bin al-Hussein to run for FIFA President photo credit JFA

One of the prerequisites to run for the FIFA Presidency also requires that the candidate must be backed by atleast 5 member associations and this Prince Al-Hussein would not have a problem here after previously crossing that hurdle with ease.

The Official entry of Prince Ali bin al-Hussein makes him arguably the front runner on the strength of his previous attempt at becoming FIFA President and the likely disqualification of Michele Platini from the race

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