Kelechi Mbagwu Describes Cowrie RFC As A Moving Train

Cowrie RFC Champions of the 2014-2015 Southwest Rugby Union League.
Cowrie RFC Champions of the 2014-2015 Southwest Rugby Union League.

Cowrie Rugby Football Club Chairman, Kelechi Mbagwu described the 2014/2015 South West Rugby league champions as a ‘moving freight train whose momentum increases as it moves on’ considering the fact that they have been unbeaten in the 15’s series for 7 years while also acknowledging that other clubs have also stepped up their game.

CMB C.E.O Kelechukwu Mbagwu
Cowrie Rugby Football Club Chairman, Kelechi Mbagwu

Speaking after the last league game of the season between his club and perennial rival, Police RFC, he said “The standards was good and the players were extremely passionate” which gives him hope that the sport has come to stay in the country.

Kelechi Mbagwu whose company, CMB Building and Investment Company doubles as the national league and national team sponsors expressed his satisfaction saying the season ended the way he predicted despite seeing a lot of improvement judging by the fight Police RFC gave his team in the last game of the season.

Revealing the secret of his club’s success, he traced it to continuity, “We retained the players that won the 2013 title and adopted a scouting system which helped us inject youth into the team” he gave kudos to the coaching team of the club lead by Ofoha Joseph.

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