CAVB National Volleyball Information System Course Concludes In Harare‏

Zimbabwe concluded a high profile CAVB Volleyball Information System “VIS” course on August 10, 2015 in Zimbabwe capital of Harare. The course which started on August 7 under the guidance of CAVB Instructor, Mr Hesham Mohammed Sayed was an impressive success.

Participants who took part in the program conceded that it was a very involving but worthwhile experience to be part of the VIS course. Speaking during the closing ceremony, Mr Hesham expressed great satisfaction in the enthusiasm displayed by the VIS course participants.

The president of the national federation, Mr Fredreck Ndlovu pointed out, ‘hosting the course was a giant step towards the development of volleyball in Zimbabwe. ‘We almost thought as a federation that the demands to host the event were too cumbersome for us to meet and to make the course a success. However, we forged ahead with the initiative as we realised it was a colossal step in the growth of volleyball in Zimbabwe.’ The perseverance indeed paid off as Zimbabwe is now equipped with an enthusiastic group of VIS personnel.

Speaking during the closing ceremony, the guest of honour, Mr. Martin Dururu a veteran in volleyball who is also the Development officer in the Zimbabwe Sports and Recreation Commission applauded the participants, ZVA and CAVB for what he termed, ‘a giant step in critical mass capacitation.’ He further highlighted that sport development is highly depended on mass and this step by CAVB and ZVA was consistent with the critical mass tenet of sport development.

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Zimbabwe Volleyball Association Vice President responsible for development, Enias Kondo chronicled and commended CAVB President Dr Elwani and the great partnership existing between CAVB and ZVA which has seen the former affording ZVA: National Referees Course, National Beach Volleyball Course, National Coaches’ Course and VIS amongst a host of other development initiatives. Speaking at the side-lines of the closing ceremony, Kondo highlighted, ‘our task now as ZVA is to ensure we further train our personnel and we strategically roll out VIS and acquire all the equipment necessary for the project. In addition to that, we need to forge stronger ties with the media to ensure this enormous step in Zimbabwean Volleyball realises the results envisaged in the program.’

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