Grand Reception Thrills Ogba…

Grand Reception Thrills Ogba…Ojeagbase, Irabor Join Dignitaries

Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN), President, Chief (Dr) Solomon Ogba, has declared his joy at plans by his kiths and kin from Edo under the aegis of the Edo Sports Media Practitioner s Forum (ESMPF), to host him to a grand reception this Sunday, July 26 in Lagos.

“I am overwhelmed and will call on all my friends and well wishers to come and join me at this event, I feel even if I deserve, I didn’t solicit for it but some of my friends in the media feel I deserve to be honoured. God will reward them bountifully”, he said in a statement from Asaba.

Solomon Ogba
Solomon Ogba

Event organizers ESMPF, also declared that it has reached advanced plans to bring to the event the respected and revered Publisher of Complete Sports Group of Newspapers, Dr Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase, who is also a shinning light for sports development in Nigeria and former Vice Presidential Spokesman and also pioneer head of the League Management Company, Nduka Irabor.

“We are working round the clock to ensure that important dignitaries make the cut, because they are the ones we are honouring at the next big event of this organization”, declared Scribe of the body, Smarts Ebodaghe.

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