NRFF Takes Positives From Cup 1C Campaign

Black Stallions In Action at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C
Black Stallions In Action at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C

The President of the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation, Sir Edward Fom Pam has refused to be depressed over the non-qualification of the senior national team to the Africa Rugby division 1B after Zambia defeated Zimbabwe by 19 points to 12 in the promotion decider on Saturday.

The Black Stallions narrowly missed out on promotion after losing to the home team by 15 to 8points in their first match before defeating 3rd ranked rugby playing nation in Africa, Zimbabwe by 34points to 23 to brighten their chances which was later dimmed by Zambia.

Black Stallions at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C
Black Stallions at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C

The president acknowledged that the team boxed itself into a very tight corner after unexpectedly losing to Zambia which bookmakers thought was going to be an easy ride on their way to gaining promotion, hence excuses are not warranted because the team had their chances.

Fom Pam noted that the tournament provided the technical committee of the federation a clear insight as to what the senior national team will look like based on the performances of the team at the competition after about 2 years of trying to gather together a team that can hold its own against any country in the world.

Fabian Juries, Black Stallions Coach
Fabian Juries, Black Stallions Coach

He thanked CMB Building Maintenance & Investment Company Limited for being there for the National team as always as they were solely responsible for the 1 week camping exercise in Zambia before the tournament which went a long way in helping the Fabian Juries led team to record a decent result.

He called on well-meaning Nigerians, corporate organizations to key into the vision of the NRFF by partnering with the federation through sponsorship of the national teams, grassroots and national competitions which will help in exposing the hidden talents scattered all over the country.

Black Stallions In Action at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C
Black Stallions In Action at the Rugby Africa Cup 1C

photo credit: Nigeria Rugby Football Federation

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