Determined to nip hooliganism at match venues in the bud, the Nigeria National League (NNL) has written strongly worded letters to the management of two league clubs to desist from the acts of intimidations and harassment of opponents or face severe sanctions.

The two culprits are the Abuja-based Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Football Club and Go-Round Fc of Omoku, Rivers State. They were found guilty of acts which tend to bring the game to disrepute.

In a letter signed by the NNL General Secretary, Lawrence Katken, the officials and supporters of both clubs were accused of acts which are in breach to the Rules and Regulations of the league.


According to the NNL scribe, match officials’ reports indicated that FRSC supporters encroached into the pitch and also harassed the officials during their game against visiting Niger Tornadoes FC, a situation which led to the game to be halted for eight minutes in contravention of Article 4.3 (1) of the Rules of the competition.

In the same manner, Go-Round FC Team Manger, Sunny Uboh and other officials of the club were accused of deliberate infractions during their league match in Omoku against Ikorodu United FC.

Therefore, both clubs have been seriously warned by NNL to behave themselves or face the ugly consequences of their actions or inactions during their home games.

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