The 3 month secondary schools basketball season is winding down with the national finals of the Milo Secondary Schools Basketball Championship which began, Tuesday, at the Indoor Sports hall of the National Stadium in Lagos.

Niger State representatives in the girls’ category, Government Girls Secondary School Bida, Niger State overpowered Government Girls Secondary School Numan, Adamawa State. It was a balanced game until the last quarter when the Niger state girls broke away to take the game at 26 points to 16.

In the second game in the girls’ category, Idia College, Benin-City Edo State came from behind in the last quarter to beat the Western Conference champions, Yejide Grammar School of Ibadan, Oyo State by 19-17.
Speaking after the match, Philip Ojo Head Coach of Idia College said that their style of play gave them the edge over their opponents.

 Milo Secondary Schools Basketball Championship.
Milo Secondary Schools Basketball Championship.

According to him, “our very fast style of play makes us almost invincible to our opponents. We have a strong team. Hard work is also key to our success. So far, we are confident of achieving our aim, which is to emerge winners at the end of the championship.”

Meanwhile, Yejide girls forward Busayo Matthew said, her side lost to Edo because they could not cope with fast pace but boasted that they will surely bounce back from the defeat because it was an eye-opener.

In the boys category, St. Peter College Idah, Kogi State picked a valuable 45-43 points victory over Government Secondary School Barnawa, Kaduna State while Ilupeju Grammar School defeated St.Josephs College Nyimah, Benue state by 32-25 points

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