Management of Abia Warriors football Club of Umuahia has frowned at reports in a section of the media, especially the social media that one of its goalkeepers, Joseph Onuoha was suspended indefinitely because he conceded three goals in a match with Warri Wolves last Friday, insisting that the goaltender was suspended for disciplinary reasons.

In a statement, management recalled that the goalkeeper has been a serial camp breaker and has been warned severally in the past to desist from such acts all to no avail.

According to the statement, Abia Warriors have a code of conduct guiding the players and officials which attracts sanctions if broken pointing out that the said Joseph Onuoha has severally, been found guilty of breaching such camp rules.

abia warriors

“Last season, he was suspended for some months for acts of indiscipline and unseriousness and from all indications, he is yet to repent from his sins. His suspension has nothing to do with his performance on the pitch, after all, our other goalkeepers have even conceded more goals without being sanctioned”, the statement said.

It clarified that recently, the suspended player broke camp rules again by fighting the club’s Deputy Camp Commandant which was the last straw that broke the Carmel’s back as the club’s disciplinary committee found him guilty as charged and recommended his suspension.

Management, therefore, warned all players to abide by the code of conduct strictly or be ready to face the music, if they contravene it.

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