Brock Lesnar Retires From MMA, Re-Signed With WWE

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar has extended his stay with the company after penning a new multiyear deal with the Pro-Wrestling brand on Monday.

In an interview with ESPN, the former UFC champion revealed that he and the company came to a conclusion on Monday and he decided to stay with WWE despite reports of his return to UFC after Wrestlemania.

Lesnar’s current deal with the WWE ends at Wrestlemania and reports has it that the fighter was considering going back to UFC after being forced to quit MMA in 2011 due to health reasons.

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar

Lesnar revealed that he had entertained the thought of making a return to UFC stating that he has been training for his eventual return for over two months. However, after consulting with his family and friends, the 37-year-old wrestler has decided to remain with WWE.

Lesnar also stated that he will not be returning to UFC or any MMA circuit in the future stating that he has retired from Mixed Martial Arts.

“I’m officially closing the door on MMA. I re-signed with WWE last night. We came to a conclusion last night. The offer on the table, I just could not refuse,” Lesnar said.

Shehu Bello

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