CAVB Refereeing Commission Meeting Starts In Cairo

2015 CAVB Refereeing Commission meeting

The African Volleyball Confederation “CAVB” Refereeing Commission started its annual meeting in Cairo, Egypt on Saturday with a welcome speech from CAVB president Dr Amr Elwani and the Commission President Mr Hassan Ahmed to all members and appreciation for their efforts in 2014 and the projects to enhance the refereeing projects in 2015.

CAVB President Dr Amr Elwani delivering his opening speech
CAVB President Dr Amr Elwani delivering his opening speech

Dr Ewani said that referees are pillars of our sport and they are key factors of the game success. “I want to thank all the members for the good job they are doing for the refereeing issues. We are proud that African referees performed well in the FIVB competitions because we are searching now for quality.”

The Agenda of the meeting started by a report from each commission member about his appointments as a referee Delegate since the last commission meeting in 2014.

Mr Hassan showed the increased number of international referees at the end of 2014 to 247 including 212 volleyball and 35 Beach VB referees. He also pointed out the main achievements of the commission and the new technology to improve the referee performance.

CAVB Refereeing Commission meeting
CAVB Refereeing Commission meeting

The meeting was attended by CAVB President Dr Amr Elwani, Refereeing Commission President Hassan Ahmed, the commission members Maendo Salamba (KEN), Jaouad Berrada (MAR), Charles Kamdoum (CMR), Mohamed Lazreug (ALG), Ehab Nader (EGY), Walid Elkhishin (EGY) and CAVB Executive Director Howyda Mondy.

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Instagram: CAVB_ volleyball

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