Edwin Okon, Super Falcons Coach, photo credit fifa.com


2014 African Women's Championship logo, CAF. png

Super Falcons Coach Edwin Okon has boasted that his team is set to win the African Women Championship (AWC) for the 7th time by beating Cameroon in the final on Saturday.

Speaking after a hard fought victory over South Africa in the first semi final at the Sam Nujoma stadium in Windhoek Namibia, Okon stated that Super Falcons from the on set have made up their mind to beat any side to reclaim the title they lost two years ago

“From the on set, we said it that we shall take the teams as they come. We did not care who we play in the final because we prepared to play who ever and we are ready to beat Cameroon in the final of the AWC

Edwin Okon, Super Falcons Coach, photo credit fifa.com
Edwin Okon, Super Falcons Coach, photo credit fifa.com

“South Africa gave us a big scare but we were unlucky not to score more than two goals in the first half. The final with Cameroon will be tougher but we shall also raise our game to beat them and reclaim the title

“We lost to them in the third place match in Equatorial Guinea and I will not say we are seeking revenge but we want to reclaim the title. The harder they come the harder they fall. Nigerians should count on us” he said

Also speaking, the Most Valuable Player in the match against South Africa Asisat Oshoala expressed gratitude to God for giving us victory over South Africa stressing that it was not an easy win

“We are happy to reach the final and by the Grace of God, we shall reclaim the title. I thank God for giving me those goals that gave us the win and if I get the chance to score again in the final, I will gladly take it but it does not matter who score so long as we win the cup” he stressed.

The Golden shoe and golden ball winner at this year’s FifA U-20 women world cup said she is not under any pressure to score in the final adding that the Super Falcons are blessed with plenty of goal bangers who can score vital goals to win.


Coach of Banyana, Banyana, Vera Pauw has commended the Super Falcons for beating her team in the semi final of the African Women Championship (AWC) even as she tipped Nigeria to win the cup.

“I have always known that Nigeria was going to be difficult for us but we gave it our best shot. We take solace in the fact that we gave good account and lost to a better side

“Nigeria stopped us from playing our normal game in the first half. I congratulate them and wish them well in the final. I think the Super Falcons are better equipped to win on Saturday

“We have played both finalists and I think I am in a position to say that Nigeria have a better team and I think they will win the cup” she stated

Meanwhile, the Super Falcons returned to training on Thursday.

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