AIBA Boxing Academy Marks Its Grand Opening

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The President of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Dr Ching-Kuo Wu and the President of the Boxing Federation of Kazakhstan Mr Timur Kulibaev have today officially opened the AIBA Boxing Academy in the Talgar region near Almaty, Kazakhstan.

This momentous occasion was also attended by the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Aristanbek Mukhamediuly, the Vice-president of Kazakhstan Boxing Federation and AIBA Executive Committee Member Mr Serik Konakbayev, the Executive Director of Kazakhstan Boxing Federation Mr Bekzhan Bektenov and honourable guests.

The Grand Opening of the AIBA Boxing Academy coincided with the AIBA Pro Boxers Workshop, taking place for nearly 80 of the best boxers in the world who will all be competing in the upcoming revolutionary Pro Tournament.

“Since I became the President of AIBA in 2006 it has always been my dream to build the AIBA Boxing Academy. Today this dream came true due to hard work of AIBA and the Kazakhstan Boxing Federation. This Academy is the unique sports complex in the world and I am proud that this place will become a home for all members of AIBA Family,” said AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu.

AIBA Boxing Academy marks its Grand Opening
AIBA Boxing Academy marks its Grand Opening

The Academy represents a unique educational-training complex, which will become the centre for development of boxing.

Altogether, it is an integrated training institute which embraces all aspects of the development of the sport of boxing, and one which will set global standards for boxing education, development and performance.

The facilities of the academy notably include:

A hotel which can accommodate up to 160 people

A meeting room with a 210- seat capacity equipped with modern equipment, and a language translation system

A meeting room with 150 seats

Two training classes for 45 and 65 people respectively

Two training rings

A competition ring

A 25-meter lap pool with male and female saunas

A soccer field meeting international standards

Basketball and volleyball courts

A tennis court

A cafe with 40 seats

A dining room for 180 persons

A medical center

The academy is an integrated training institute which embraces all aspects of the development of the sport of boxing and which will set global standards for boxing education, development and performance.

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