x-international Paul Okoku, Chief Segun Odegbami, Coach Keshi and Assistant Coach Valere at the Eagles training session on Sunday

Odegbami Joins Eagles Training Session…Team Departs For Brazil

Nigeria’s preparations for Mundial 2014 in Brazil peaked on Sunday evening in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, when ex-national team skipper and one of the pillars of the 1980 Nations Cup winning side, Mathematical Segun Odegbami (MON), visited the team’s hotel and later joined the team at its training ground.

Looking trim and boyish in his jeans top and trousers, Odegbami said he was motivated to come and join the team’s training because of the caliber of players and coaching crew that the team parades. He even threatened jokingly at a point while discussing with team skipper, Joseph Yobo and Coach Stephen Keshi, that he would have joined the session but for the lateness of his invitation letter. “That means we will need double ambulances here”, Keshi retorted.

At the end of the nearly two hours of training, he declared thus “I like what I saw at the training ground, the hunger of the boys, the confidence they displayed and the way and manner the coaching crew conducted themselves. Something tells me history is in the making with this team”.

The team had its last training session on Monday evening in the United States and will depart Tuesday morning for Miami, Florida, from where they will connect and American Airways airliner to Samba land Brazil. The flight from Miami to Sao Paulo is scheduled to be eight hours, according to Team Administrator, Dayo Enebi Achor.

Already, the NFF and FIFA have perfected plans to give the team a grand welcome at the airport, including a media press conference and reception by the city authorities in Sao Paulo, before the team will retire to its camp base in Brazil’s bustling commercial capital.

x-international Paul Okoku, Chief Segun Odegbami, Coach Keshi and Assistant Coach Valere at the Eagles training session on Sunday
x-international Paul Okoku, Chief Segun Odegbami, Coach Keshi and Assistant Coach Valere at the Eagles training session on Sunday

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