More schools, local councils register for 2014 Ibile Games in Lagos

The number of schools and local councils as well as Local Council Development Areas (LCDA) willing to be part of the 2014 Lagos State Sports Festival tagged Ibile Games continued to swell following the number of entries received so far by the organisers.

At the weekend, the organisers received huge turnout with schools and councils hoping to beat the deadline for registration. The games holds from April 30 to May 10 this year.

The premises of the Lagos State Sports Council (LSSC) at the Mobolaji Johnson Sports Complex, Rowe Park, Yaba, has been a beehive of activities with the officers from the schools and the local councils rushing to submit their registration forms in order to beat the deadline.

Director of Sports, LSSC, Dr. Kweku Tandoh said that the IBILE Games would be keenly contested this year in view of the large number of secondary schools and LGs/LCDAs presenting athletes for the Games.

He added that the LOC and the subcommittees have intensified efforts to ensure a very successful sports fiesta.

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