Green Visit Shocks Leon Balogun…Thanks Maigari For Support

After he dropped his crutches in the course of the week, Fortuna Dusseldurf and Super Eagles defender, Leon Balogun got the shock of his life when the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), through its Technical Committee Chairman, Barr. Chris Green paid him a surprise visit last Thursday in Germany.

Balogun who has been celebrating the support he has received from the federation and its coaching crew said he could not believe his eyes when he saw Green in Dusseldurf just to check on him. “This is a pleasant surprise and I can’t believe that the federation will go the whole hug to support me. I can assure you sir that your visit will hasten my recovery process and help me thank Nigerians for all the support they have shown to me”, he declared.

The defender then went on heap praises on the President of the NFF, Alhaji Aminu Maigari for his leadership qualities, declaring that the affection, care and support of the federation has offered has reached a level that he has to reciprocate by getting himself physically and mentally fit for the Brazil 2014 World Cup if he is picked by the coaching crew.

The NFF, through Barr. Green assured that it will keep a close tab on the player to ensure that he is not only fit but ready for the challenge of the Brazil 2014 World Cup. “We want the best for the country and you have proven through your commitment after just a game that you are the type of player that we need for the Nigerian football to become a global brand”.

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