WADA to hold pre-Winter Games press conference in Sochi

WADA to hold pre-Winter Games press conference in Sochi

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will hold its traditional pre-Olympic and Paralympic Games press conference on February 5 at the Sochi 2014 Main Press Center.

Sochi 2014 will mark another opportunity for WADA to provide comprehensive anti-doping monitoring and educational resources at the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The purpose of this Press Conference is for WADA to present its Independent Observer (IO) and Athlete Outreach Programs, and explain its role in relation to monitoring and reviewing Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) and its right of appeal regarding doping cases.

WADA’s President Sir Craig Reedie and Director General David Howman will be available to answer questions from the media along with UK Anti-Doping’s CEO Andy Parkinson, who will head the Independent Observer Team at the Winter Olympic Games.

Date: Wednesday, February 5

Time: 20.00-21.00

Location: Pushkin Hall, Main Press Center for Sochi 2014

Participants: WADA President Sir Craig Reedie, WADA Director General David Howman and IO Team Chair Andy Parkinson

An outline of WADA’s role at the upcoming Games can be found on the Agency’s website.

Source: AIPS WEB

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